Friday, December 18, 2015

Class / Self Evaluation

What I liked about this class was that I was able to learn how to do many more different things on a computer such as creating my own website. What I disliked about this class was that it would sometimes get boring. What I suggest that we can do to make the class better is do more fun stuff or do stuff that will make the class more interesting. I believe that I have done my best in this class because I do complete my assignments. Yes I am committed to be a CTR person because it is a good thing to be a CTR person.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Six Ways to Make People like you. If you want people to like you….

Rule 1: Become genuinely interested in other people

“Do this and you will be welcome anywhere.”
“You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.”

 Reflection: If you are interested in others then that comes to show that you are caring and many people would want a caring friend so they would speak to you. Thinking about others is something kind to do and not everyone does that. Obviously if you are nice to people they will like you because you haven’t done anything to make them dislike you. Doing this will make you feel welcome anywhere. If you are miserable with yourself then think about others. Don’t just revolve everything on you because that will make people dislike you. What I will do to apply this new rule is by starting to think about others and be interested with anything they talk about. Even if they are going through something I will be interested so I can help them and be there for them.

Rule 2: Smile
1) Actions speak louder than words, and a smile says,"I like you. You make me happy. I am glad to see you."
2) "You don't feel like smiling? Then you force yourself to smile."
3) "It creates happiness in the home, fosters good will in a business, and is the countersign (witness or indication) of friends."

Reflection: Always be kind to everyone if you want to be liked because if you are mean to them that is obviously going to give them a reason to dislike you. Just a simple smile can make someones day. If you aren't in a good mood still smile. Smiling at someone shows that you like them or they make you feel happy, or they are just simply glad to see you. Just giving a smile can do so much. Smiles create happiness and they show what you feel. So spread the happiness with your wonderful smiles.

Rule 3: Remember names
1) "A man's name is to him the sweetest and most important sound in any language."
2) "If you don't remember names, you are headed for trouble."

Reflection: Obviously when you meet someone you will ask for their name or they will tell you it, so your only job is to remember it. It is rude if someone forgets your name. So doing this will probably make them dislike you. Also if you mistaken their name with someone else's. If you do forget their name just ask nicely what their name is instead of guessing and getting it wrong. Many people dislike it when you forget their names so if you want them to like you just make sure to not forget it. Names are very important. It is what someone is called after. 

How to Remember Names:
1) Repeat it over and over
2) Turn someones name into an image so you can remember
3) Spell it out
4) Lead the way if you know your name will be hard to remember for the other person
5) Write is down
6) Speak up

Rule 4: Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves.
"If you aspire to be a good conversationalist, be an attentive listener."
"Remember that the man you are talking to is a hundred times more interested in himself and wants and his problems than he is in you and your problems."

Reflection: People like it when you listen to them. Especially if they need advice or help with any situation they are going through either bad or good. Also push people to talk about themselves. For example if they are shy then you start talking about yourself. It might make them feel more comfortable and maybe then they will start sharing things about themselves. This will make the person like you because it shows that you are interested in them.

5 Tips for active listening
1) Stay focused and give natural eye contact and be patient
2) Really listen and don't really think about what you should tell them next
3) Allow for periods of silence, wait till the other person speaks again
4) From time to time repeat the others persons words 
5) Understand the emotions behind the words

Rule 5: Talk in terms of the other man's interest.
"The royal road to a man's heart is to talk to him about the things he treasures most."

Reflection: When speaking to another person talk about their interests. If you don't know what they are then ask them. Talking about their interests will make the other person be more interested in the conversation and this will allow you both to have a great conversation. This will also show that you took the time to speak to them about their interests and you actually care about what they like or enjoy. This will make the person like you, because what is more better than someone that cares about you and your interests, especially if they know you are actually listening to them. The man's interests are things that they treasure so if they know that you actually put in time to want to learn what they are that will make them happy.

Rule 6: Make the other person feel important-- and do it sincerely.

"The desire to be important is the deepest urge in human nature." (John Dewey) "Helping people feel important and appreciated works magic."

Reflection: When you speak to someone don't ever ignore them or put them to the side. Make them feel like you actually care about them and they mean something to you. Make them feel important. Show them that you truly need them to be there with you and that you have the time for them because they are important to you. Never be rude or mean to that because that shows that you don't care. Everyone in this world desires to feel important. No one wants to feel useless or worthless and no one should ever feel that way. So always be caring and make time for those that are important to you.

Reflection: This six rules I have informed you about are to help you to get people to like you if you want them to. This are the best examples and advices that can get people to like you. It is a good thing having people like you because it will bring less drama to your life and it will teach you how to be social and be able to talk to others by yourself. What I commit to do to apply the six rules is actually try this advice and be positive. Be social with others and be caring about whatever someone talks to me about and make sure I am listening.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Glenn Cunningham-Have Heart
Crippled Glenn Cunningham became an Olympian and Doctor
Reflection: Glenn Cunningham was only 7 years old when he became crippled from an explosion. His brother passed away in the explosion but Glenn's legs caught on fire. Glenn Cuningham has heart because even though the doctor told him that he'll never be able to walk again he was still always positive and as well had a strong religous faith. 2 years after the accident Glenn tried walking even though it hurt him so bad he kept trying. He then turned out to be an Olympian. He also became a doctor because he wanted to help others.

Monday, October 26, 2015

“The Six Attitudes of High Achievers”
High Achievers…
1.   Make no small plans

Reflection: If you are a high achiever then you will always set big goals for yourself. Even if many think that it is a crazy goal of yours. High achievers will work hard to achieve these goals. Nothing will make them stop trying because they will continue working hard so that they can get what they want. They will focus on their task and commit to it. High achievers always want to be better than others and they don’t want to be known as a regular person so they always want to do better than those regular people. They push themselves until they achieve and after achieving they continue pushing themselves higher and higher. I believe High achievers will probably never be satisfied with themselves but it’s not a bad thing either because it shows that they are hard workers and want a good future. It also shows how they are capable of doing many things so that’s why they go big. Go big or go home! 

An example of some one that didn't make any small plans was Steve Jobs. He made the iphone and now this cell phone is very known and many people around the world buy this phone.

2. Do what they fear

Reflection: High Achievers are fearless. They are courageous to try anything because they have ambition and are willing to achieve their goals. Even if their goals are the craziest ones out there. Doing what they fear is something that they would want to accomplish even more because they want to do the impossible. They want to achieve any task that confronts them. As you achieve the things you will rise. There are two things people do when they are scared. Either they run or they face it and overcome this fear. You will rise as you overcome these fears because you won't have anymore fears after you confront all of them. Be fearless and rise.

3. Are willing to prepare

Reflection: High achievers are always prepared. They are ambitious and always know what they want. They are prepare for anything that come their way. Any difficult obstacle or easy one they will always be determined to achieve it. High achievers never are unprepared because they are competitive into getting what they want. It is always good for you to be prepared in any situation that comes your way. High Achievers are always one step ahead of their game. It's a lot of work to be all of these things at the same time but just know it will benefit you. It will lead you to greater things in life. Never give up on your goals. Just always be prepared for what is coming your way.

4. Are willing to risk failure

Reflection: High Achievers are hungry for what they want. They determined to having it. So if they do fail they will just get back up and go back into it until they achieve what they want. Failure isn't always a bad thing. It just comes to show that you need more practice or you need to be more focused on what you want. When high achievers fail that will make them what that goal even more because that is their goal and they want what they may think is the impossible, so they make it possible. They will risk failure because if they do fail it is going to give them more of a reason to want it. Never be afraid to fail because that should make you try harder.

5. Are teachable

Reflection: High Achievers are teachable. They obviously want to learn and catch on quick. So they will put in hard work to achieve their goals. They pay attention so they can be up to date with their classes or anything they may want to learn. They won't just give up if they don't understand they will give you all of their attention on focus. They won't try to make fusses or be a trouble maker when someone is instructing. They'd give their full focus and attention and learn. They seek knowledge and truth. They do that in order to grow humility, wisdom, and excellence.

6. Have heart

Reflection: High achievers have a heart. They put in passion to their goals and achieving them. They are kind and caring. They are always willing to help others. Even help the achieve their goals. They also give to others. Always have a heart and help others out when they are struggling. That makes you a better person and that is good. Others will respect you for the type of person you are. Even if it is a competition you can still help others. Always have a good heart.

Reflection: The Six Attitudes of High Achievers are important if you want to achieve great things. This is how a high achiever should act and be. I believe that all of these six attitudes lead to greatness and are good examples of what  a high achiever should really be. If some one were to follow these six attitudes it will lead to good things in their futures. What I commit to do about the 6 attitudes is have heart, be teachable, and don't make small plans.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Gordon B. Hinckley
1.   Be Grateful

2. Be Smart

Reflection: Never do dumb mistakes or choices because they can lead to consequences. Instead be smart and make good choices. Make sure you always think thoroughly of what you are deciding to do. To be happy you have to be smart. For example if your boyfriend leaves you be smart enough to move on because to have a happy life you may need someone else that will truly make you happy

3. Be involved in Good Works
Reflection: To live a happy life and make something out of it you have to be involved into good works. It will show good things about you and it will show that you're caring and don't mind helping others. Help others out and be a good person. For example volinteering in a hospital or many other things.

4. Be Clean 

Reflection: Being clean is important because you don't want to be a messy person. It'd make your life so much harder to look for things and it'd take longer. You will be happy because you'll be neat and organized and also many people like that. Also you won't know what you have in life unless you are organized and know what you are doing.

Reflection: It is important to be true to yourself because that is the only way you’d live a happy life. Even though someone else may not like it, but it is the best for you to do. Let everyone be comfortable with who you are and be with some one that can accept who you truly are even if you’re weird. You wouldn’t live a happy life if you didn’t act like yourself. So be you and embrace your weirdness because everyone has a little weird in them. You aren’t weird you are limited addition. J

6. Be positive

Reflection: It’s always good to be positive and have a good attitude because you will be able to accomplish more things like this. Having a bad attitude won’t just affect you but also others because it’ll bring bad vibes and negative attitude. If you look at things with a different attitude it will change it as well. This is why it is always good to be positive because good things will come from it as well. Push yourself to be a better person. You can make someone’s day better just by saying on nice positive comment.

Reflection: Being humble is something important to do in life because its important to stay true to yourself and be kind to others. Never let anger get to you stay calm and be relaxed. Don’t let anything get to you even if it’s something so big. Always be the best you can be and never give up even when times get hard. Always remember where you came from. Don't change anything about yourself just to satisfy others. You wouldn't live a happy life that way. A great example of someone that stays humble is Justin Bieber. He speaks about how he never forgets where he came from and where he began. 

Reflection: Be still is to be open minded and listen. Allow new things to come your way. Always be quiet and listen to what others say. This can lead to you learning new things about others or about yourself. Always listen to what others say or think because it will lead to your mind expanding and developing many new things about life. You always learn a few things from others that is why it is important to always listen and be still. Forget whatever you are thinking about and let your mind be free and open. You will become a better person and gain many things from this. This is one of the ways to living a happy life. Free the mind.

9. Be Prayerful