Friday, June 10, 2016

Final Post: Class Evaluation

Class Evaluation
1)              The thing I liked about this class was that I was able to learn about coding when I really had no clue about how to do it and what it is. I am glad I was able to experience how to make my own website even though I struggled a lot.
2)            I have nothing that I did not like about this class. This class is pretty straight forward, so it shouldn’t be hard for students.
3)            What I recommend to do for improving this class is to make sure and keep track students are aware that they need to have their notebooks.
4)            A highlight for me in this class was being able to learn even more about computers because I am not the best with using them.
5)            I believe I did do my really best in this class because I always did my work and I maintained a good grade.
6)            Yes, I am reading my life planning goals daily for 5 minutes. I am making sure I remember them and I motivate myself to do good and remind myself I can accomplish whatever I set my mind to.
7)             Yes, I am committed to being a CTR person because I want the best for me and choosing the right is how I’ll do that.
8)            What I learned and will pass forward to students is that you can do whatever you set your mind too, anything is possible and I know that for a fact because of my victories in my life planning goals journal.

9)            What I will always remember about this class is how to embed and always choose the right!

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Memorial Day

Memorial Day is a day in which those who died in a military service are remembered. Traditionally it is on May 30 but now it is officially observed on the last Monday in May. A few ways that you can show honor and respect on Memorial Day is by writing a letter to a soldier and thanking them, show honor and respect by visiting a local veteran's cemetery or war memorial, visit and take cookies to a nearby Veteran's Hospital, go to a Memorial Parade, also enjoy freedom with your family. What I will do to to show respect on memorial day is enjoy freedom with my family and friends.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Becoming Your Best:

The 12 Principles of Highly Successful Leaders

1.  Be true to your character

Reflection: To become your best you need to be true to your character. If you promise someone something it is important for you to just keep that promise because it will show what type of person you are whether you commit to your promises or not. It is important to have a god character because then many people will want to be your friend because you represented yourself in the proper manner."If you stay true to yourself you will never have regrets." This quote represents why it is important to true to yourself an be who you are because if you don't you will later regret why you didn't do something and it was all because you weren't true to your character and to who you are. What I will do to apply this new principle is always be myself when I am with others because I should be proud of who I am not embarrassed or shy.

2. Use your imagination
Reflection: An important tip to being successfulyour imagination so you can visualize what you want in life. Imagination helps you explore things that you aren't use to and create things that may lead to bigger achievements. Also using your imagination will help expand your creativity and spreading your creativity with others will allow you to expand ideas with others. Both ideas can become very successful. I will apply this tip in my daily life by always being creative and open with myimagination. This will help me become very successful because everyones minds work differently and if I open up my mind to people it can lead to way bigger things and opportunities for me.

3. Apply the power of knowledge
Reflection: To become successful always use your knowledge and you won't have knowledge unless you pay attention. It is very important to always put your knowledge before goofing around. The more knowledge you have to more you can succeed. The power of knowledge will allow you to accomplish your goals and your dreams. There is nothing wrong with having too much knowledge because with out knowledge you won't become successful.Knowledge plus action equals power. Without action you won't be able to become successful so it is very important to always use those two together and I can promise you you will have a successful life ahead of you. I will apply this tip to my daily life by always using my knowledge and action so I can accomplish my goals.

4.Never give up
Reflection: To become successful the only rule and tip for that is never give up. Even when times are getting rough always push yourself because you can do it. You can do whatever you set your mind to. Always have something that will give you motivation and always reward yourself when you are one step closer to your goal. If someone ever tells you can't do it go and prove them wrong show them that you are able to do whatever you set your mind to. You have that ability so use it. I will apply this tip by never giving up on my dreams and goals. "Never give up stay Focused stay Positive stay Strong." This quote represents the motivation you need to not give up and become successful. 

5. Find peace and balance
Reflection: To be successful you always have to balance your life and temper out. For example if you don't you'll probably end up stressed with any work you have and you'll become an ugly person with your peers since you don't know how to manage and balance your stress out. For example many people do excercise to balance it out or they do one of their hobbies so they can relax and not become a person that they wouldn't like to be. Find peace and relax and balance your stress. When balancing a relationship one shouldn't be the only one to give and the other only recieves. Both need to do the same to balance that if not the relationship won't work. What I will do to help myself be successful is find peace and balance in my daily life.

6. Live the Golden Rule
Reflection: To become successful you need to apply rules for your self, golden rules. One golden rule is treating others the way you want to be treated. It won't be quiet fare if you are mean to someone and you expect them to be nice to you. Another golden rule can be that you will always be honest with others. This will make you successful because you will make yourself a better person and many people will have respect for you and will want to be your friend. "Treat others the way you want to be treated." This will allow you to not have any problems with others because most likely you will get along with everyone. I will apply this tip by treating others the way I want to be treated because I do not want to have any conflicts with anyone.

7. Build and maintain trust
Reflection: To be successful you always have to be truthful with yourself and with others. You will not become successful if you are not honest for your whole life. You want to be able to allow others to trust you so you can always be able to trust them. A strong relationship is a pair that can trust the other with out hesitation or no worries and to become successful you will need this. I will apply this tip by always being truthful so i can build trust and maintain it with other. If you lie you wouldn't be able to maintain it. So maintain that trust so you can be successful because this a very important key.

8.Quick to listen slow to wrath
Reflection: This tip is important because it is important to first listen out to someone than letting your anger consume your body and just letting it all out. What if they didn't finish what they were trying to tell you and you yelled at them for no reason because they then explain themselves and now you aren't so mad at them. Always listen to them first. Your anger may take over and you may do or say somethings that you will regret. I will apply this tip to my daily life by listening to others than allowing my anger to takeover and consuming my body. This tip will help me become successful.

9. Lead with vision
Reflection: Lead with vision is a very important tip because it will lead you to your goal. If you lead with out vision it may lead you to something that you were not aiming for. Always be aware of your surrounding and what your main goal is. Lead yourself to the right steps in to accomplishing your goal so you can get what you want. Don't lead yourself to the opposite way. "But romantic vision can also lead one away from certain very hard ugly truths about life that are important to know" This quote helps support the fact that vision is the best way to lead because if you can visualize what you want then you can lead yourself to what you want. I will apply this tip to my daily life by always leading myself to my goal with only my vision. This will help me greatly to achieve my goal and become successful.

10.Manage with a plan
Reflection: To become successful you always have to have an idea of what you want in life. This will allow you to use your imagination and create ways to getting to your goal. Make plan on how to get to what you want so you can know what you are doing as you are going along the way. Be prepared for whatever comes your way. Your plan will make things so much easier because you'll know what to do if it doesn't work out and you'll always be prepared even when someone asks you what are you doing or what are your plans to getting to your goal.I will apply this tip to my daily life by always planning my steps to whatever my goal is so I can be prepared.

11. Do what matters most
Reflection: When you want to become successful you always have to do what matters most. If you don't you will be moving backwards instead of forwards in accomplishing your goal. Do what your gut tells you to do because that is what is more important to you. What matters the most to you must be the most important thing for you for a specific reason and if it is that important it is because it will most likely benefit you. If your goal is to go to college after you finish high school but someone tells you nah we should just not go to college we should take a year break, listen to your gut and what is more important and the best for you. Which should be learning and taking in your career. What I will do to apply this tip is that i'll do what matters the most to me and what is more important and the best for me.

12. Be accountable 
Reflection: Be recognized from your actions. Always be accountable for whatever you do so you can gain recognition even if whatever you did was bad or good. If it was bad it is good that you are being honest. To become successful always make sure you get recognition because if not what will people recognize you for even if you did something that is life changing I would most likely want to be recognized for that. Also be understandable because if you are not it would be hard for others to work for you. Accept responsibility for your actions. Be accountable for your results. Take ownership of your mistakes." This quote is a great example of how to be accountable. Being accountable will make it so much easier to work with you and will bring success to your life. What I will do to apply this tip in my daily life is be accountable for my results, accept responsibility for my actions, and take ownership on my mistakes.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

The Ten Tips for being more Truthful
Barbara A. Lewis

1.      Make a commitment to tell the truth.
Reflection: When you lie to someone that will do you no good even though at the moment you think it will. Lying just leads to consequences and telling the truth is an easy way of living. When you lie once it'll just lead to more lies until when no one can trust you because they know you are a liar. Committing to yourself that you will always tell the truth is a good step into being truthful." Commitment means staying loyal to what you said you were going to do."What I will do to apply this tip is make a commitment to myself about always being honest with others and myself.

2.    Tell someone about your commitment.
Reflection: When you've done the first step of being truthful now you should tell someone about your commitment. So now you were honest to yourself that you want to be truthful. Be consistent with your commitment that is one of the most important things because if not you won't accomplish your goal. Always remind yourself of what your mindset is. " Commitment means staying loyal to what you said you were going to do." What I will do to apply this tip is tell someone the commitment I made to better myself.

3.  Think before you give a dishonest answer, explanation, sarcasm, or reason.
 Reflection: When ever you are stuck in a situation and you want to lie your way out of it always remember that eventually you are going to be caught in that lie. That small lie may lead to huge consequences that you will not want to deal with. Also think if its worth getting caught between your lie when you can just deal with it the simple way and be honest."I'd rather be honest than impressive." A great example is like when my cousin lied and his dad found out he got grounded for a week. The truth will always come around. Always ask yourself if it is worth it because if not you may have to deal with some consequences. What I will do to apply this tip is always think about the consequences or whether its worth doing or not.

4.   Be careful of when and how you use exaggeration, sarcasm, or irony.
  Reflection: When you are using sarcasm it is important for you to be careful on how you use it because it can hurt the other persons feelings. Sarcasm can sometimes come as rude. Also when you are using sarcasm you might get caught in a lie you didn't intentionally try to proclaim. As the same for exaggeration and irony. You should know the definitions of them before you use it because you may use it in the wrong way. Don't mix these up with lying so this is why it is important you know the difference between those two. What I will do to apply this tip is be careful with what I say when I use exaggeration, sarcasm, or irony.

5. Be careful not to twist the truth or leave out part of it.
 Reflection: Not including the whole story still means that you aren't being completely truthful. Whenever you tell the truth always include the whole truth. Don't leave part of it out because if you do and that person finds out that'll still make them believe that they can't trust you even though you didn't lie. Never twist the truth either because that will be considered as lying. Always be truthful because the worst that can come out of it is deserving some consequences but if you lie that'll make things way worse. "Better to get hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie." This is a great quote that explains why it is better to be truthful than lying. Many people believe that lying is better to do just because it is easier but you can also hurt people by doing so. What I will do to apply this tip is always say the complete truth and not twist my words.

6. Don't indulge in  little white lies
Reflection: If someone tries persuading you into lying so you can help them don't listen to them. At the end you are going to serve the consequences as well because you indulged into the little white lies. Lying for someone won't prove that you're their real friend and if that person thinks that you aren't a real friend because you didn't indulge into their lie then that means that they aren't your true friend and you can find better people to hang out with than them. You don't want to turn out like them so keep away from their negative behavior. "So remember when you tell those little white lies that the night has a thousand eyes." This quote means that when you say a little lie someone will soon find out that you lied and are a liar. What I will do to apply this tip is not indulge into other lies even if my friend try convincing me to.

7. Watch out for silent lies.
Reflection: watch out for any silent lies they can be very deceiving. You yourself may not think you're lying buy in reality you are. I believe silent lies are when you lie to yourself consciencely or if someone tells you something but you keep quiet.When you seem to be agreeing to something by your words while all the time inside you are yelling STOP! or NO!, but fail to say anything or ask a question. This happens a lot because usually some people are shy or they don't want to be embarrassed incase if they get it wrong. Also since they are shy they will follow everyone else's answer even though they have a different idea that could be right. It is worth a shot to share your ideas because you will not know the outcome until you state it. What I will do to apply this tip is speak up if i have a different answer than anyone else. "Lying is done with words and also with silence." This quote explains that there is different ways of lying and you maybe didn't even know that. 

8. When you catch yourself lying, throw your mouth into reverse.
Reflection: If you ever catch yourself lying make sure to stop yourself and realize what you are actually saying. Before you make that lie just make sure you fix it and up saying the truth and that shows you caught yourself from lying. This is a much better idea than actually lying. You're actually focusing on changing yourself by making sure you are actually being truthful. "You can run with a lie But you can't hide From the truth. It will catch you!" This quote explains how the truth will always find its way back to you and eventually everyone will know you lied and will consider you a liar. They will questions your truths because they don't know if you were actually ever honest with them. Lying can leave a bad reputation on you where no one will want to trust you for anything or they won't believe you at all whenever you say anything. Be careful with what you say and just be honest. I will apply this quote by always catching myself before I try to commit a lie and I'll make sure I fix it and say the truth.
9. Talk to yourself.
Reflection: If you are always lying catch yourself before you do so. Also talking to yourself can help as well. You can discuss with yourself what you can do to not lie anymore and also to figure out how you can solve that problem. Talking to yourself also helps you figure out what you are doing wrong and solve those problems with yourself. Instead of lying just talk to yourself but when you speak to others be truthful. "Be careful how you are talking to yourself you are listening." This quote helps support the idea of talking to yourself but when you do talk to yourself  make sure you don't lie to yourself either because that isn't the point of talking to yourself. It is bad to surround yourself with lies. I will apply this tip by talking to myself and helping myself figure out what to do. I will also make sure that I do not lie to myself under any circumstances. 
10. Treat yourself when you tell the truth
Reflection: When you are committing to always telling the truth it is okay for you to reward yourself for every truth you say. This will also help you accustom to always being truthful. But when you say a lie you should make yourself serve a consequence. Treating yourself every time you say a truth and then you treat yourself that treat will motivate you to always being truthful as well. What I will do to apply this tip is always treat myself when I say a truth and also make sure i deal with the consequences if I don't.

REFLECTION: These Ten Tips on being more truthful can benefit me on learning techniques and ways to not lie and be more honest with everyone including myself. These tips will also help me remind myself why I shouldn't lie and how to make sure I don't do it. The tips I am applying now are watching out for silent lies so for example if I am thinking something and I don't speak up about it I have just created a silent lie so what I'm doing right now is not staying quiet but speaking up, and another tip I am using is treating myself when I tell the truth so I can boost my motivation to be honest. These two tips I am using have made a difference in my life by helping me become more honest and giving myself reasons to being honest and making myself feel good about my honesty. I will incorporate the other tips into my Life Planning Goals and plans by being honest with myself about the goals I am listening and being truthful if I will be able to commit to them everyday.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

"How the Internet Works"

What I have learned about the Internet is how it runs in mega bytes and these mega bytes run so fast and they are the reason why the websites we want to go on appear on our screen. I also know that they have secretive codes so that hackers don't hack you and read your messages. They do that by changing the message you sent by a specific amount of numbers in the alphabet and that changes your message to a code. Another thing that I learned was that when a signal is being sent they all may take different routes before appearing on you screen. So for example if you are waiting for an image to upload you basically need to wait for the whole image pixels to arrive before you can view the image. It crazy to know how you can use internet even when you are traveling you aren't even near a wifi hot spot and you can still use you internet!